Força events and development
Since their foundation in 2011, the Força team has worked together to organise a number of fundraising events - from family fun days... to delicious lunches.... to evening parties...

Elmers Court March 2012
It all began with a fundraising evening at the Macdonald Elmers Court Hotel. Live music, dancing and funds raised by an exciting auction (which even featured the 'Queen' (well, Manley Hopkinson in a dress...) força 14 was launched in style...

Força on the Farm
April 2013
In 2013, força hit Warborne Farm with a festival party. Live bands, hog roast and hilarious games. The early evening 'row-off' proved a stunning success, with much joviality amongst our competitive supporters! Who can forget the human fruit machine and the 'find the booby' game?! After another successful auction everyone danced the night away....

Wild Wild West
September 2014
Another memorable evening at Warborne Farm which proved bigger and better than the previous year's party - how was that possible?! força were delighted to see so many cowboys, and a few Indians, dancing the night away in the completely transformed barn. Oh and who could forget the fantastic chilli and bucking bronco!

Mini força Cake Sales

Advent Carol Concert 2015

Advent Carol Concert 2015
Preloved Boutique

Sunshine Strolls 2012 & 14
Força's sunshine strolls have been a great way to get children involved and aware. The Tall Trees Trail at Rhinefield is just the right length and the fun activities and picnic at the end add to the family feel. A wonderful way to keep fit and have fun at the same time.

First Friday Lunch
May 2014 &15
On the First Friday in May - 2014 and 2015, força prepared and served a delicious two-course lunch for over 100 people at Milford Community Centre. Lucious lasagne followed by a scrummy dessert, the meal was a big hit with the locals - and a few of our great supporters as well.

Lymington Lights
2014,15 &16
The força team wrapped up warm for the Lymington Christmas Lights and Late Night Shopping Evening in 2013, serving delicious homemade soup and homemade bread. In 2014 the team made mulled wine and some incredible healthy cakes.

Pub Quiz
October 2015

Pub Quiz
October 2015,
First Friday Lunch
2014, 15, 16, 19
In October 2015 the força team held a pub quiz, with kind support of The Bosun's Chair in Lymington. The event was well attended and lots of fun was had by all!
Fundraising Party
On 28 November 2016, força strength against cancer organised an advent carol concert at Lymington Baptist Church. Kindly sponsored by Denisons Jackson Estate Agents, the event featured a selection of wonderful local choirs, including Lymington Junior School, Total Voice Contemporary Choir, The Friday Girls, Crescendi - and also soloist Lily Cherpokova. The concert was a resounding success, raising £2,000.