3 ways to donate to força
força - strength against cancer helps people living with cancer in the Hampshire and Dorset area. In particular, we help by providing meals for people undergoing chemotherapy treatment at Lymington New Forest Hospital with our Nourish...by força programme; providing post-mastectomy bras with our Support...by força programme and by helping local families affected by cancer who may need financial assistance.
If you would like to donate to força - strength against cancer, you can do so in one of the following ways:
- Through our direct donation account with CAF: donate here
- Whenever you shop online with Easyfundraising: find out how here
- Whenever you shop online with Amazon: find out how here
Over the years many of our supporters have helped us to raise funds, through organising events or selecting força - strength against cancer as their chosen charitable cause. If you can help us with this, we would be very grateful: please contact us on forcaagainstcancer@gmail.com.
